

Business Psychology:
Talks and short practical courses

Half-Day Workshops.

These last 3-4 hours but can be tailored to specific needs for a shorter or longer course. All have been delivered as both full day and half day courses. The aim is to be practical but also to give delegates the necessary concepts to understand behavior.

The ideal number is 21 to 28 people per workshop though we can deal with both bigger and smaller numbers. All have been run many times in different countries including Abu Dhabi, Brazil, Dubai, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Norway, Oman, United Kingdom etc.

It is possible to choose all, some or just one of these courses.

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Workshop Topics


Understanding Emotional Intelligence


Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Workshop Outline

What is Emotional Intelligence and how to measure it?
The story of the Social Intelligences
Emotional and Cognitive intelligence: what is the difference?
How to Improve your Emotional and Cognitive Intelligence at work
How it all works: when, why and how EI is important at work

Discussions and activities

Dealing with two agendas: pursuing your own and understanding theirs (exercise)
Counseling skills and effective responding: Social skills and social intelligence (exercise)
Completing the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (Exercise)

At the conclusion of the Seminar you will understand

How to define and describe EI
Understand why it is important in the workplace
How to measure EI in staff and applications
What we need to do to increase a person’s EI
The costs of low EI score for senior managers
Fact and fiction written about EI


Understanding Talent Management


Understanding Talent Management

Workshop Outline

Defining and measuring the personality and ability profile of talented people at work
Identifying, retaining and rewarding talented people
Creativity, genius and High Flyers
People talent that derails

Discussions and activities

An opportunity to complete two cognitive ability tests
Completing three personality tests
A discussion of business should the High Flyers list be kept secret. How people get ‘categorized’ as High Flyers

At the conclusion of the Seminar you will understand

An understanding of where talent comes from
How to define and measure ability talents
How to define and measure personality correlates of high ability
How to recruit, select, induct and manage High Flyers
The special needs of high flyers
Preventing derailment in high flyers


Understanding Performance Management


Understanding Performance Management

Workshop Outline

Defining Performance Management Systems
The philosophy of Performance Management Systems
Why Performance Management Systems fail and how to prevent it?
How widespread the use of PM Systems is
The theory behind the systems
Overview of Performance Management Systems
Who uses them and why
Theory behind the system
How they actually work, with supposed advantages
Why they fail: usually around rating of behaviour
How and when to avoid failure

Discussions and activities

Participants: experience of PM Systems and consideration of alternatives
Participants: discuss clarification of criteria for the business environment
Rating and measuring performance: the three rating types and their consequences, and how to improve the ratings
Participants rate two people they know on preset form; rating styles and suggestions for improvement are discussed
‘You can’t manage what you can’t measure’. How to overcome rating problems to ensure reliable and valid data. Suggestions about what can and should be done with performance data ie. Related to variable (bonus) pay, training, promotion etc.

At the conclusion of the Seminar you will understand

The theory behind PMS
The essential skill set associated with PMS
How to measure all aspects of performance
How to conduct a progress review with staff
How to ensure staff are rated accurately and honestly
How to avoid PMS systems from failing


Understanding Psychometric Testing and Other New Assessment Methods


Understanding Psychometric Testing and Other New Assessment Methods

Workshop Outline

The history of Psychometrics
The different techniques available (Self report, Observation, Test Performance, Life Data)
Evidence of the validity and usefulness of each technique
The difference between selection and development
Cost benefit analyses of spending money on tests
Developments in the field

Discussions / activities

A look at tests of ability and the opportunity to complete some
Completing tests of personality, beliefs, attitudes and values
A complete guide to which questions to ask when selecting and buying a test

At the conclusion of the Seminar you will understand;

How, when and why we need to assess people at work
The history of assessment of people
What methods are available: from biography to brain scans
Technique selection criteria: validity, cost, practicality generality, acceptability, legality.
Selecting IN and selecting OUT: how to define what you want in your staff and what you don’t want
How tests are developed
Personality tests
Ability tests
Limitations of interviews, references, and application forms
Selecting High Flyers and those with ‘potential’
Tests for development
Fashions and fads
Neuroscience and the future of assessment

The session will allow people to complete and score three types of tests. They will also receive a copy of a new book on the topic


Understanding Job Engagement and Motivation


Understanding Job Engagement and Motivation

Workshop Outline

The meaning of job satisfaction, commitment and engagement
The relationship between engagement and productivity
Five important theories of motivation
Two factors theory
Money as motivator
Do special people need special packages
Motivating people in difficult times

Discussions / activities

Designing your own motivational package
Completing various satisfaction and engagement questionnaires
A discussion on cultural differences in motivation and performance

At the conclusion of the Seminar you will understand;

How to measure engagement in your staff
How to apply motivational techniques that work
How to train your managers in motivational methodology
How to design cheap and effective reward strategies
Simple but effective strategies to motivate staff


Negotiation and 


Negotiation and 

Workshop Outline
The difference between negotiation and persuasion
Golden rules in how to negotiate better: what to do; what not to do
The classic phases in negotiation
Negotiation in groups vs pairs
Lessons from behavioural economics
The six fundamental influence strategies
The skills of interpersonal influence: how your style works for and against you
Reading and adjusting to others preferences and style

Discovering and disguising agendas
The Prisoners Dilemma game
Detecting deceit in others
A business simulation

At the conclusion of the Seminar you will understand:
The basic strategies used in successful negotiation
How to get information out of others
How best to present your case
The fundamental strategies used by advertisers, politicians and other persuaders, and how and when to apply them for your needs
The skills you need to work on


Understanding the Psychology of Individual Differences


Understanding the Psychology of Individual Differences

Workshop Outline

Theories of personality from Freud to neuroscience
Differences in abilities, personality and values
How to do an assessment of an individual
What is a personality clash and what to do about it
Self awareness about your own profile


What we have in common is that we are all different
What it means to have a ‘personality clash’
Knowing your own personality, strengths and gifts
Born or made: what you can and can’t change
Completing three state-of-the-art questionnaires

At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand

How to write a descriptive, psychological assessment of other people
Why individual differences exist and what they mean
How to deal with people who are different from you
How you can predict behavior once you know a person’s profile


Understanding the Psychology of Change Management


Understanding the Psychology of Change Management

Workshop Outline

Change or die: What has changed and is changing. Change vs Progress
The theory and practice of change
Individual Reactions to change: who opposes change and why
Why change initiatives succeed and fail
Six change strategies
Changing people vs changing things


Case studies on successful change
Revolutionary vs Evolutionary change
Examining different models of change
Changing people vs changing processes
Sustaining change

At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand

How to understand the change process and resistance to it
The advantages of six different strategies to bring about change
What needs to be done in the pre and post change launch period
How to avoid costly failures of change programmes that backfire


Understanding Organisational Management


Understanding Organisational Management

Workshop Outline

The modern manager: New skills in a new workplace
Managing and Leading: Task, Group, Individuals
Management style: self-awareness and adaptability
Managing people from different cultures
The role of strategy


The changing workplace and changing needs
Assessing your own management style: 360 feedback
Cultures’ consequences: managing a diverse work-force
Strategic thinking and force-field analyses
How to engage and motivate staff

At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand

Your personal management style and its consequences
The three tasks of all managers
How to start strategic thinking initiatives
Dealing with ambiguity and stress


Understanding Self-Awareness and Self Development


Understanding Self-Awareness and Self Development

Workshop Outline

Who knows you best: yourself, partner, friends, work colleagues
How do you become more self aware: training, therapy, coaching
What are your major strengths and developmental opportunities
What should you work on?
What can you develop and how?
The benefits of self-awareness


The Johari Window and the importance of self-disclosure
Questionnaires on your dark side traits
Using strengths finders to understand oneself
Denial and other defense mechanisms questionnaire
Writing a self-development plan

At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand

What are your potential strengths and how to engage with them
What are your real developmental needs and how to proceed
How you behave under-pressure
How to help your staff and colleagues achieve greater self-awareness
How to write and follow a developmental plan


From Good to Great as Leader


From Good to Great as Leader

Workshop Outline

A modern comprehensive model of the make-up of great leaders
Great Leaders from history and the lessons they taught us
The essence of transformational leadership
Forming, aligning and motivating the top team
‘Yes you can’. Understanding self efficacy in leadership.


Discussion about the greatest leaders each has experienced
How to do ‘Tough Love’ and confronting poor performance
What you have to do to be a great leaders: what is holding you back
It’s tough at the top; coping with stress in top jobs
Why some leaders fail

At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand

What differentiates good from great leaders
The essential task of leadership and what you need to do differently
The importance of leadership in teams
The stress and loneliness of being at the top and what you can do about it
How to recruit and select great leaders


Giving Constructive Feedback


Giving Constructive Feedback

Workshop Outline

To help managers understand the role and importance of giving feedback to others at work.
To become more self-aware about their feedback style.
To become able to diagnose the causes of performance success and failure and give appropriate and specific feedback.
To acquire and practice the skills of giving different types of feedback to different individuals.
To draw up a feedback plan for all their direct reports for the forthcoming year.

Learning Outcomes:

Understanding of the why and when and the how of feedback at work.
Insight into your own personal style and how you come across to others.
The acquisition of very specific and relevant skills: questioning, counselling, listening, interpreting
Self-confidence in their personal skills and a real desire to go and deliver feedback to all their staff

Delivery Methods:

Lectures and lecturettes to help delegates understand the theory and background of feedback giving
Questionnaires and tests that help delegates understand their personal feedback style.
Practice sessions. Here, ideally, participants would be able to give real feedback to one of their actual reports so that it is a real session.


Understanding the Psychology of Coaching and Mentoring


Understanding the Psychology of Coaching and Mentoring

Workshop Outline

What is the difference between coaching, counseling, consulting and mentoring
Why has there been a sudden and dramatic increase in the demand for coaching
Ten crucial questions to ask of the coaching of talented people
What do mentors do?
How does coaching work and what is the evidence for it?
The benefits of coaching and mentoring


Plotting one’s work life history
What sort of coach may work for you? What works for whom?
Using style instruments to understand oneself
Describing the skills of an ‘ideal’ coach
Writing a self-development plan

At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand

What coaching and mentoring are designed to deliver
How the process works: the essential ingredients
Theories of how we learn best and what this means for coaching
How you select and brief coaches in the workplace
How to coach the talented as well as those struggling


Understanding Creativity and Innovation at Work


Understanding Creativity and Innovation at Work

Workshop Outline

How to define and measure creativity
The focus on the person, the process, the product and the context
Personality, ability, values and creativity
Can creativity be taught?
The difference between business creativity and innovation
Managing (really) creative people.


Taking three creativity tests
Reflecting of your own creative process
Trying to design an environment which really support creativity
Pondering the dark side of creativity
Divergent and convergent problem solving

At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand

What creativity is and how best to measure it
What sort of people are more or less likely to be creative
How you select and manage creative people
Best practice for the innovation of new things in the environment
The many myths and half truths that exist in this area.


Understanding Counter-Productive Behaviour at Work


Understanding Counter-Productive Behaviour at Work

Workshop Outline

The Range of CWBs: from arson to whistle-blowing
The case of theft
How to define and measure CWBs
Integrity tests
The detection of liars, deceivers and dissimulators
The criminal and anti-social personality
Justice and Equity at work
Security and surveillance in the work place
Developing loyalty and committment


Taking three CWB and integrity tests
Role playing the detection of liars
Designing an organisational security system
Devising ways to measure equity at work

At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand

What CWBs are and how best to measure them
What sort of people are more or less likely to commit CWBs
How you select and manage honest people
What sort of management and organisational issues prevent CWBs from occuring
How to really develop staff loyalty and commitment


Understanding Corporate Audits, and Surveys


Understanding Corporate Audits, and Surveys

Workshop Outline

The role and function of corporate audits
Data collection, analysis and feedback
Corporate culture and climate
Measuring engagement
Communication audits
Customer audits
Managerial use and abuse of audits and surveys


Competing and comparing five different surveys
The causes and consequences of corporate culture and climate
Critique of various measures
Devising ways to measure beliefs and behaviours at work

At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand

Why when and how to survey staff at work
The difference between corporate culture and climate
Why staff are sceptical and cynical about surveys and how to prevent this
How surveys can be used to bring about and measure change
The psychometrics of surveying


Understanding Competencies at Work


Understanding Competencies at Work

Workshop Outline

What are competencies?
Ability, personality, values…and competency
The typical lists and its problems
How competencies unify HR policies


Taking three CWB and integrity tests
Role playing the detection of liars
Designing an organisational security system
Devising ways to measure equity at work

At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand

What CWBs are and how best to measure them
What sort of people are more or less likely to commit CWBs
How you select and manage honest people
What sort of management and organisational issues prevent CWBs from occuring
How to really develop staff loyalty and commitment